
Plastic Landscape

This is an experimental digital media art project collaborated with Artist, Yoon Chung Han, and was initially commissioned by the Ulsan Art Museum.

The project incorporates AI-generated images with 3D animated film design showing apocalyptic and surreal worlds in oceans, cities, Antarctica, and forests surrounded by man-made plastic mixtures and objects.

Experiment with everything

The special part about this project is the opportunities to start involving AI image making as part of the process, and through the images that were created by the computer engineers, I was inspired to create the shapes, motions, and environments that work alone with the images.

Expand Beyond

The fun part of doing digital media is the adaptability of the form to the medium. This project also has been brought to different art festival such as Seoul Light Gwanghwamun 2023-2024, SIGGRAPH ASIA 2023, and so on.


Thanks again to Yoon Chung Han, who pulled all the resources to make things happen! Soo Jung Kwak, who designed the sound and music, and Prof. Sung Lyun Kim, Myeong Hun Seong, and Changmin Lee for the interesting machine learning images.
